Brief biography of Hazrat Osman
Brief biography of Hazrat Osman

Brief biography of Hazrat Osman: হযরত ওসমানের সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী।

Brief biography of Hazrat Osman: হযরত ওসমানের সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী।

Hazrat Uthman ibn Affan, commonly known as Hazrat Osman, was the third caliph of Islam. He was born around 576 CE in the powerful Umayyad clan in Mecca, which gave him a high social status within the Quraysh tribe. He was a close companion of the Prophet Muhammad, and his life and contributions to Islam are highly regarded by Muslims. Here is a brief biography of Hazrat Osman:

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1. Early Life: Hazrat Osman was born into a wealthy and respected family in Mecca. He was known for his generosity, kindness, and fair dealings, earning him the nickname “Dhun-Noorayn” (the Possessor of Two Lights) because he was married to two daughters of the Prophet Muhammad, Ruqayyah and later Umm Kulthum.

2. Conversion to Islam: Osman embraced Islam at a relatively early stage, shortly after the Prophet Muhammad began receiving revelations. His financial support and assistance played a significant role in the early years of the Islamic community.

3. Migration to Medina: When the persecution of Muslims in Mecca became severe, Hazrat Osman, along with the other early Muslims, migrated to Medina in 622 CE, where he continued to support the Muslim community.

4. Caliphate: Hazrat Osman became the third caliph after the assassination of Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab in 644 CE. His caliphate was marked by expansion and consolidation of the Islamic state. Under his leadership, the Quran was compiled into a single book and sent to different parts of the Muslim empire. He also appointed governors to oversee the growing Muslim territories.

5. Controversy and Opposition: Hazrat Osman’s caliphate faced several challenges, including growing discontent among certain factions within the Muslim community. His policy of appointing relatives and trusted associates as governors led to accusations of favoritism. These issues eventually led to a group of dissidents laying siege to his house in Medina.

6. Assassination: Tragically, Hazrat Osman was assassinated in 656 CE during the siege, making him the first caliph to be martyred. His assassination marked a turning point in early Islamic history, leading to a period of civil strife and the emergence of the First Fitna, a series of internal conflicts within the Muslim community.

Hazrat Osman’s reign as the third caliph is remembered for his role in the preservation of the Quran and his support for the Islamic community during its early days. His life and leadership continue to be highly respected by Muslims worldwide, despite the controversies and challenges he faced during his caliphate.

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