Natrum phosphoricum homeopathy medicine-best-image and picture HD
Natrum phosphoricum homeopathy medicine-best-image and picture HD

Detailed Information About The Homeopathic Medicine Natrum Phosphoricum Is Discussed.

Natrum phosphoricum, also known as Natrum phos or Sodium phosphate, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the chemical compound sodium phosphate. It is a cell salt and is part of the twelve tissue salts system developed by Dr. Wilhelm Schüßler. Natrum phosphoricum is primarily used in homeopathy to address various digestive issues, acidity, rheumatic pains, and skin conditions. Here’s some detailed information about Natrum phosphoricum as a homeopathic medicine:

Natrum phosphoricum is derived from sodium phosphate, a naturally occurring compound found in various minerals and in the human body. It plays essential roles in maintaining the acid-base balance, regulating cellular metabolism, and supporting digestive processes. In homeopathy, Natrum phosphoricum is prepared from sodium phosphate using a process of serial dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) to create the mother tincture.

To prepare Natrum phosphoricum as a homeopathic remedy, sodium phosphate is triturated (ground into a fine powder) with lactose or sucrose to obtain the mother tincture. This mother tincture undergoes a process of serial dilution and succussion to create various potencies for therapeutic use.

Traditional Uses:
Natrum phosphoricum is primarily indicated for conditions affecting the digestive system, including acidity, indigestion, and heartburn. It is also used for rheumatic pains, skin conditions, and other health issues. Some of its traditional uses include:

Acidity and Indigestion: Natrum phosphoricum is commonly used to relieve symptoms of acidity, heartburn, sour belching, and dyspepsia. It helps neutralize excess acid in the stomach and promote proper digestion.

Rheumatic Pains: Natrum phosphoricum may be indicated for rheumatic pains, particularly those associated with acidic conditions in the body. It is used to alleviate joint pains, stiffness, and discomfort aggravated by acidity.

Skin Conditions: Natrum phosphoricum is used to treat certain skin ailments, including acne, eczema, and urticaria (hives). It helps balance the pH of the skin and may reduce inflammation, itching, and eruptions.

Symptoms Indicating Natrum phosphoricum:
The symptoms indicating the need for Natrum phosphoricum may include:

Digestive symptoms: Acidity, heartburn, sour belching, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea.
Rheumatic symptoms: Joint pains, stiffness, discomfort worsened by acidity.
Skin problems: Acne, eczema, urticaria, itching, eruptions.
The dosage and potency of Natrum phosphoricum depend on the individual’s specific symptoms, sensitivity, and response to treatment. It is available in various potencies (e.g., 6X, 6C, 30X, 30C, etc.), and the selection of potency will be determined by the homeopath based on the specific case history and presentation of symptoms.


Natrum phosphoricum should be used under the guidance of a qualified homeopathic practitioner or healthcare professional.
It is advisable to avoid self-medicating with Natrum phosphoricum or any other homeopathic remedy without proper guidance, as it may lead to ineffective treatment or worsening of symptoms.
Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe when used as directed. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to seek medical attention.
As with any homeopathic remedy, Natrum phosphoricum should be used according to the principles of homeopathy and under the supervision of a qualified practitioner for optimal results and safety.

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