Kali Citricum homeopathy medicine-best-image and picture HD
Kali Citricum homeopathy medicine-best-image and picture HD

Detailed Information About The Homeopathic Medicine Kali Citricum Is Discussed.

Kali Citricum is a homeopathic remedy derived from the chemical compound potassium citrate. Potassium citrate is a salt of citric acid and potassium, commonly used as a dietary supplement and medication for various health conditions. In homeopathy, Kali Citricum is primarily used to address urinary tract issues, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney stones. Here’s some detailed information about Kali Citricum as a homeopathic medicine:

Kali Citricum is derived from potassium citrate, which is a naturally occurring compound found in fruits such as citrus fruits (e.g., lemons, oranges), as well as in certain vegetables and grains. However, in homeopathy, the remedy is prepared synthetically from potassium carbonate and citric acid.

To prepare Kali Citricum as a homeopathic remedy, potassium citrate is triturated (ground into a fine powder) with lactose or sucrose to obtain the mother tincture. This mother tincture is then diluted and succussed (vigorously shaken) according to homeopathic principles to create various potencies for therapeutic use.

Traditional Uses:
Kali Citricum is primarily indicated for urinary tract issues, particularly those involving urinary calculi (stones) and urinary tract infections. It is believed to have diuretic properties and may help dissolve kidney stones and alleviate symptoms associated with UTIs, such as burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, and pain in the bladder region.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Kali Citricum may be used to relieve symptoms of UTIs, including pain, burning sensation, and discomfort during urination. It helps promote urinary tract health and may support the body’s natural ability to fight bacterial infections.

Kidney Stones: Kali Citricum is indicated for kidney stones (renal calculi) and may help dissolve or prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract. It may also help alleviate symptoms such as renal colic (severe flank pain) and discomfort caused by kidney stones.

Symptoms Indicating Kali Citricum:
The symptoms indicating the need for Kali Citricum may include:

Urinary symptoms: Burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, pain or discomfort in the bladder or kidney region.
Symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs): Fever, chills, foul-smelling urine, cloudy urine, blood in urine.


The dosage and potency of Kali Citricum depend on the individual’s specific symptoms, sensitivity, and response to treatment. It is available in various potencies (e.g., 6X, 6C, 30X, 30C, etc.), and the selection of potency will be determined by the homeopath based on the specific case history and presentation of symptoms.


Kali Citricum should be used under the guidance of a qualified homeopathic practitioner or healthcare professional.

It is advisable to avoid self-medicating with Kali Citricum or any other homeopathic remedy without proper guidance, as it may lead to ineffective treatment or worsening of symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe when used as directed. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to seek medical attention.

As with any homeopathic remedy, Kali Citricum should be used according to the principles of homeopathy and under the supervision of a qualified practitioner for optimal results and safety.

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